Ɨ liḳe thȇ sɨlenče to liṩtȇn tħe nọisȇ, Ɨ liḳe thȇ ṩuṋriṩe so Ɨ cån waɨt foȓ tħe sṳnset, Ɨ liḳe to be frȇȇ to be tråp oṋe dåy, Ɨ liḳe the olḋ stṳff to remɨnd me alẅays to gȇt soṃetħinǥ nȇw, Ɨ liḳe to haṿe yȫu so Ɨ caṋ let yȫu go soṃedaÿ, Ɨ liḳe the ħeaṭ whɨle fȇȇdinǥ the cȫld, Ɨ liḳe ȫne ḋay Ɨ can enjȫy bȫth sɨtuatiȫns…